Friday, September 18, 2009


I have met up w/ Merrill and been climbing all over Petra today as well as intermittently riding a burro and an arab horse.  I am still challenged by the middle east approach to women, or more accurately, the absence of women as we drive through a town, sit on a side walk cafe.  And though the men smile, laugh and talk together, there seems a note of joy that is missing.  

It is wonderful to be w/ Merrill, tonight we are staying by the Dead Sea.  

The first day I arrived in Amman, I was the only lone woman wandering about.  It is odd to not see others like myself.  I am grateful for the freedom to do this but am aware of what an anomoly it is to be able to do so in this country.  

My first write and it seems a bit terse but I am so tired.  I hope after I settle a bit, I'll have more to say.


  1. Glad you are settled and I can't wait to hear about the camel ride!

  2. This is wonderful! I'll be sure to let Jim know so he can follow you too when he comes over this weekend.

  3. Great pics. Looks like you're having a wonderful time!

  4. Wonderful! More later.
